Wednesday, May 1, 2013

more found terrain

Since I work an odd shift, I do most of the shopping for the household, which means I have the time and opportunity to check out the bargain sections for things to... appropriate for the gaming table. Yesterday I lucked out and found these charming treats:

Five Below (everything there is $1-$5) had these marketed as solar-powered lanterns for cookouts, a mere three bucks each. Whereas I see some excellent kiosks or small buildings for scifi terrain, pretty much anyplace outside the 'Dark Gothic' vibe with a Far East flavor. Infinity, Relic Knights, I could even see these in Pulp City. Only have to figure out if I will leave them generic, or put a little effort into making them into advertising/communications hubs. My basement is chock full of unfinished projects, but these are close enough I can easily put in the labor to get them table-ready.

Tragically, I think they're a bit out of scale for 15mm, at least not without significant adjustment. Nonetheless, worth picking up.

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